reality is royalty
Our album unveils a story by poetry, which need not be consciously realized. The subconscious knows. Our album is meant as a cursebreaker.

"an excellent likeness"

Tasunke Witko (His Horse Is Crazy, His Horse Is A Prostitute)
"Ta-SHUN-ka" - aka The Crazy New Way
Married to Pretty White Buffalo Calf & Inyan
When a warrior with an inherited name dies, that name boomerangs back to the father again...a father who wore a WAR BONNET on his way to "surrender" at Fort Robinson.
This was his dad. There was more than one Crazy Horse.
This one pictured above, who never wore the WAR BONNET, died June 25th 1876. This was just after Pretty White Buffalo Calf won the spiritual battle for America by shooting Custer in the head and riding with the 7th cavalry flag. She was captured. Crazy Horse sacrificed himself to go to her on the lower astral. He died a "man with no name." ANONYMOUS, NOBODY AT ALL.
Was Custer ordered to commit suicide while sacrificing five companies as part of a ritual about the Centennial Anniversary of "America"? Pretty White Buffalo Calf Woman ruined this plan by shooting him off his horse....it was a ritual ruined by her genius.
Custer was found with a woman's knife plunged in his back.
"Pretty White Buffalo Calf was here".
The evidence exists. The historical record is very strange when subjected to investigation. At the time, the Sun was conjuct Sirius, and July 4th 1876 was100 years after the "founding". 100 is the number of Sirius, a binary star known as Isis and Osiris.
7th Cavalry Insignia = IDENTITY THEFT
Horus, Osiris & Isis
The ACTUAL "7th Cavalry" was led by Crazy Horse and Pretty White Buffalo...."the finest light cavalry in the world". (This is according to the hidden meaning of things).
Pretty White Buffalo (Calf Woman) was fictionalized and misrepresented with a nonsense story about "Black Buffalo Woman", to obscure the truth. She was captured to be tortured and nearly deleted from history. The truth is explosive.
"White Bull"

Seventh Cavalry - organized on Sept 21, 1866 - the very day the Sun enters Libra, sign and soul function 7 -- on the autumnal equinox. The Christ (King) is equivalent to the Egyptian Imhotep, "he who comes in peace as the # 7" -- the "King" is a balanced person or situation
Seventh Generation, Seventh Incarnation
Seven is the number of "The Goddess" and of
"He Who Comes As Peace As The Number Seven"
We consider America to be a (raped) Goddess.....who is an outlaw to the control system designed around a simple imbalance of masculine and feminine archetypes, balanced by Libra.
An androgynous and beautiful warrior, male or female, (or whatever) is the very incarnation of this synergistic harmony, wisdom in the flesh.

The balanced synergy of Inner and Outer, Past and Future, Feminine and Masculine - the scales of JUSTICE.

"The Words in the Tones" is the anagram of "The Sword in the Stone".
The 3rd image belonging here is The Cross. The Cross is a symbol of balance, just hang the scales on either side. One holds the feminine, the other holds the masculine.
Feminism + Masculinism = Synergism = Joan Jett.
When out of balance, feminine and masculine are both toxic. One tends toward the crowd, the other breaks away to be a lone nut. They are NOT equivalent to female and male, which are terms relating to electrical outlets and plugs.
They must be in balance. Where there is polarization is artifice and deception. Synergize. There is artificial intelligence, and then there is spiritual intelligence. There are divergent paths....anything artificial is of artifice, remember that.
When out of balance? An authoritarian control system - based on a simple maneuver which avoids synergism....and the pattern is always the same....take people down into polarization, away from synergy. Dangle the "oneness"carrot. The way out of "duality" is the synergy. One is Three.
They want that you will fight for one thing, which is polarized against the other, it is always the same...and people become psycholically anchored in a "two dimensional world" which dictates to the highway. When out of balance, Capricorn is the authoritarian master over Cancer. we found this to be the case during a battle with CANCER. Cancer is LOVE. What is "astrology" begins with PSYCHOLOGY.
Cancer refers to empathy. Cancer is the most misused and abused word in our society. When diagnosed with Cancer, people will try to kill empathy while assuming authority over your mind, body and soul. ​This is a sad fact.
When a woman is a warrior, the masculinity in her is being embraced, we are strong supporters of this kind of thing. Joan Jett was and is the example of SYNERGISM that nobody is going to mess with, ha ha! I am so clever. Chrystya is a warrior queen and she is stronger than death. She chose to live for the music, so I did what I could to make that dream look like a coming reality.
White Buffalo Woman existed in recent history, she is hiding in plain sight as "White Cow Bull". "Black Buffalo Woman" is an obvious inversion. Now it is time for the Dillinger Gang....outlaws so hilarious that the truth, if finally known, would be a devastatingly handsome film experience. It is time. Harry Pierpont = sexy.
Johnny Depp blew it.

"Glamour Boy"
Police looking for him after the Michigan City Prison Break joked when searching in various closets for him, "maybe he's in the closet! Ha ha ha!" This was because he was a "pretty boy" - one who outwitted them again and again, and made them feel extremely insecure. They actually literally stepped into closets to make this joke.
He led the robbery of the bank next door to a police station, after calling in a false report about Charles Makley (of the Dillinger Gang) being seen at his parents' house in the town they happened to be in. "The whole gang is probably there, they will throw a parade for you guys! Good luck!" The whole police station cleared out to be big heroes and get their names in the papers, and then the Dillinger Gang arrived at the bank. At the time, they were not known to the public as "The Dillinger Gang" -- but they were. This was in St. Mary's, Ohio.
Where were the police when the Dillinger Gang was robbing the bank next door to the police station? Having their asses handed to them. This is the kind of thing that gets buried because it is so humiliating. John Dillinger wasn't even there at the time, he was in jail...waiting to be busted out on Oct. 12th 1933. They had only recently busted out of Michigan City Prison. 'No one expects us to enter a police station right now!!" Yessir.
On Oct. 14th 1933, they robbed another police station for all the guns, ammo and bullet proof vests. On Oct. 20th, they robbed yet another police station for the same. They also procured five police badges. "POLICE!! This is a stick up!!!" HA! I imagine they would have told people to not fear, it was a police training exercise.
Charles Makley was recognized by one of the bank tellers during the "next door to the police station" job. "CHARLES MAKLEY!! In your own home town!!!! You should be ashamed of yourself!!!" Hysterical.
​Who the hell is Harry Pierpont? Exactly. It is almost as if Harry manipulated society into making his gang famous, by shifting the spotlight to John Dillinger in order to make Harry's hilarious genius go away. "The Dillinger Gang" is a pretty cool name for a gang, you have to admit.

John Dillinger was referred to as "the Robin Hood of outlaws", which only points the way to Harry Pierpont. Harry was 6'4", and John Dillinger was 5'6". He was actually the "Little John" to Harry's Robin Hood, "the biggest man in the village". Harry was robbing from the rich, to give to the poor of Native American reservations and they were starving during the Depression.
When busted in Tuscon in 1934, everyone had thousands of dollars on them, except for Harry. Harry had a lousy ten bucks.......
Harry Pierpont humiliated law enforcement like no one else.. and hell yeah, so did John Dillinger. We believe John faked his death, he seems to have scammed the FBI for his own reward money. HA HA HA!!!!
They both had large genitalia. Whatever, Johnny Depp and Warren Oates. ​