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The Lord wanted the music industry to continue to get away with misuse of others existences for their boring gain become ENNUI, if you want all the effort to be worth your while, financially, you must sell your soul to be the agent of an agenda which is anti-human, it is to con people into exiling themselves from the highway of the 3rd dimension, for the SECOND HAND world that you stare at - social media is anti-social.  The 2nd dimension is feminine, relative to the 3rd - it is a thought crime to refer to dual genders and, y'all fucking idiots with your "non-binary" solutions to the "binary", I tell you this I am FEMININE AND MASCULINE in equal measure......The EQUALITY I have achieved is the highest vibrational contribution to an occult game y'all thought would be impossible for an individual to realize, recognized, utilize, and become the VERY HIGHEST VIBRATIONAL MANIFESTATION of a goal - First syllable of FEMININE and last syllable of MASCULINE = I am FELINE, I am the LION - and when men accuse me of not wanting to work, of course, you idiot!!!! The Male Lion is there to let other contenders know that.....they still ain't shit, and until you can outdo Tezcat Real - as one person doing it all (the purity in this is doing it to give hope to a wife I thought was going to die) - Listen to it, and - go ahead and tell me it sucks, but the facts still stand - it WILL be recognized for how badass it is, and there is not a single person aligned with the dark side of the music industry that will be capable of even comng close - you must make it with real insruments (including excellent drumming), bass, guitar, synth and vocals performance that is at least equal, but will not outdo this - and, the songs must be about very intersesting subjects - Tezcat Real exposes the truth about The Dillinger Gang, Crazy Horse and and a former white bufflalo woman become WHITE BULL - who was SUCH a great marksman, it was she who put that hole in Custer's temple (Holy Temple) - even though it was said "he committed suicide because he was found with a hole in his head, this proves either he or his brother did it (or that White Bull did it, the WOMAN who knocked Custer off his horse, with ONE BULLET, and she RODE with the 7th cavalry flag - when, the whole battle was meant to be a ritual WHICH WAS SABOTAGED BY THE VERY GODDESS THAT THE AMERICAN CHART IS FOR - AND SINCE THEN, SHE WAS DISAPPEARED - Captured, and held for 7 days in a cage ....completely naked, while drunken soldiers tried to force her renunciation of her victory - with rape and torture, all under orders of Captain Benteen.   The ORIGINAL CRAZY HORSE - had his brother, He Dog, shoot him in the head.....because he head to go to her on the lower astral and lift her out of her body as much as he could.  The idiot community left behind decided that Crazy Horse was a coward for committing suicide for her, and so the title of Chief Crazy Horse went to him - who wore a WAR BONNET which belonged to his "son" that was ONLY ever worrn by the champion female warrior WHITE BULL.  The only person who did not abandon her, was who was now NOBODY - he gave up EVERYTHING to a coward, to humiliate his legacy - he chose love over personal pride.  



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